very few birds. Take a ride soon and look closely through the woods the mountain is indeed dying. the 2nd snake we ran across was a bit more deadly. Many trees are drying-up. DaneWigington Record warmthto snow, back to record warmth and then back to snow again, DaneWigington US tornado fatalities so far in 2023 are almost three times higher than, DaneWigington Record snow, record rain, record hail and record tornadoes, geoengineeredspring is here. Do something in your community. Chemtrails, aerial spraying, aerosol emissions, cirrus clouds, among many other terms. Some areas, the trees look "OK". I know there is a lot of disinformation put out these days. Our main condition is for a "healthier" environment. This plan was kicked off in full force 1/01/2016, by State and Local Govt. This narrative is being pushed by, DaneWigington Air travel is becoming evermore hazardous to human health for a host of reasons. We find a whole paradigm of human experience living inside abubbleof surface consciousness without ever penetrating more deeply into connecting the dots which spell our doom. I said"this is not normal". If the spruce forests of the boreal disappear they could also alter climate systems by releasing CO2. What or who in this world would want to exterminate our beautiful planet. I don't know. What kind of world are we leaving for our children? the thing that is most startling of all is the wildlife. I have been reading articles on main stream media (sorry about that but sometimes it is necessary to find out what people are thinking) and there is no mention of what is discussed here. This unimaginable. It can turn light sage green or pale mint green, once and a while. Pines tress are all dried up and brittle. Hello Dane. Its to uncomfortable for people to think that anything but what the media tells them could be true. Have you been watching the air temperature anomalies over the Arctic/North Pole recently? I describe the cloud patterns that are now commonlyseen and explain how they are not normal at all. The most disgusting thing about this is these trees have been here for hundreds of years. I said to my Canadian husband what is wrong with your clouds? Same here in the Sierra Nevada. My 46th email to my contacts, titled "Earwig OAgain". Scripted political theater continues, DaneWigington Record snow in the West, tornadoes in the South, while New York is on track for its most snowless winter in history. Most people I talk to think I am nuts! i suspect it won't be long. Academia will not talk about it. Do you still find the area a good option compared to other areas of the USA? The immense scale of climate forcing being carried out by, DaneWigington Global climate engineering operations are not a proposal, they have been an ongoing reality for over 70 years. The land has been in the family for 5 generations, and ALL of us took very good care of the tree's. To reverse phony climate change . in fact it was staying out of the sun. We have a light silver-gray fungus covering many, many trees. They werent in the boreal a hundred years ago, but they are there now. All official sources are blaming, DaneWigington Record wildfires continue to sweep the globe, incinerating what yet remains of Earths formerly vast thriving forests. I have been seeing a lot of chemtrail activity here and was thinking that this may be the reasonthat is how I found your site. P.O. the few left alive are putting on seeds and pods everywhere and their leaves look pale green and sickly. So no excuse to say they are just water vapour, no they are not!!!! There's also a black fungus or moldwreaking havoc on trees and shrubs" Same here in the Blue Ridge mtn area of Ga/NC. In the 1950s and 1960s, decades before the conspiracy theories were born, much of Britain was sprayed with . It was huge and hanging over the house. Whole ecosystems are collapsing all over the globe and our rapidly dying trees are the most visible harbinger of what is unfolding. Any comments? one garden variety snake in the middle of the trail but not sunning itself on a coolday. What is even more alarming was wentto a local park to prove the tree's where dead or dieing. Just last year I had to cut down a 90 year old Siberian Elm in my backyard, and it followed the exact process of death pathology you outlined in the video. have a new beetle to blame it on?! If the trees die, we die. Climate, DaneWigington Record snow in the West, tornadoes in the South, while New York is, DaneWigington "Freezing rain without freezing temperatures", a new headline from the scheduled weather script, DaneWigington Is the military industrial complex insane enough to incinerate Earth's last remaining forests, DaneWigington Many are now aware of and justifiably concerned about Lake Mead soon becoming, DaneWigington The global controllers are utilizing every tool they have at their disposal to, DaneWigington Climate engineering operations are cutting off the flow of moisture to the US, DaneWigington Geoengineering is wreaking havoc all over the world, from fires to ice. In the northeast part, they have dropped from almost 9,000 to 4,300. Ironically, I actually worked at UGA on a research project measuring respirable particulate material as a byproduct of forest fires. Our planet's, DaneWigington We are told byofficial sources that the ozone layer is recovering, that we have nothing to worry about. Fahrenheit, DaneWigington A must view report from a top scientist covering the climate engineering nanoparticle pollution of our air, water, soils and food supply. Ecosystems will likely be less stable and more open to invasives.. I am horrified about the mass dying of trees here in florida in the past fewyears ive noticed the beautiful giantoaks are disintegrating before my eyes. All leaves are blown away with machines so there is no place to hide for smaller animals any longer. I have activated Facebook and have your site on it. The, DaneWigington The global controllers are utilizing every tool they have at their disposal to distract populations from the wider horizon of unfolding and accelerating global, DaneWigington Extremely powerful ground based microwave transmission facilities are being used in conjunction with the ongoing atmospheric aerosol spraying operations to completely manipulate Earths climate. One has acknowledged there is a problem and the other wrote back saying that neither he nor any members of his staff have seen chemtrails. Dane Chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding processes are a primary component of, DaneWigington The extremelyanomalous surface cool-down in Texasand other parts ofthe worldare not just random acts of Nature. I still have difficulty understanding those who don't believe what they see with their own eyes, but I continue to spread the word, and am forever grateful for your continued mission. The boreal forest wraps around the globe at the top of the Northern Hemisphere in North America and Eurasia. Was certain that it was airborne related, but never contemplated the root systems being compromised. Massive levels of radio frequency transmissionsdirectly related to climate engineeringare yet another layer of destruction which is radically affecting the trees, us, and the biosphere as a whole. It affects their ability to survive, says Murray. These are crimes against all Life and the $$$$ hungry people don't care except for their own measly evil desires . Censorship or liability issues? 1. I would rather die from a natural, Mother Nature event than one man made. Shame on the bas*#r&s doing this evil. Lota livestock burning? ALSO FROM YALE e360With Climate Change, Terrifying New Normal for Western Firefighters. Soon people will realize this horrific event but,of course,it will be too late. DaneWigington While large regionsof Canada and Siberiabake and burn, flash flooding, extreme hail and tornadoes are hammering Texas, the southern border and much of the, DaneWigington Huge hail hammers Texas while regions of Canada incinerate in over 100 unprecedented early season wildfires. How long can you hold your breath? Those who lead the cabal of power, and those they serve, exist only to perpetuate, DaneWigington Is the military industrial complex insane enough to incinerate Earth's last remaining forests in order to achieve the objectives of the global controllers? 10 375 views 5 years ago Massive Tree's Dying in the Forest by Chemtrails / Geo-Engineering - Mt Lemmon Az. I asked the attendant what is killing the tree's in the park and shesaid, "I don't know did not notice them." I have to confirm the 2 out of 5 comment. Thanks again for your efforts. In otherwords, the whole global geoengineering assault may not be strictly a one-way street, with the U.S. agenda dominating all others. I just do not understand how this is allowed to continue. I find this site so scary and it is almost impossible to get people interested in South Africa. DaneWigington Geoengineering is wreaking havoc all over the world, from fires to ice. this has nothing to do with the weather we've got plenty of rain and it doesn't matter how old a tree is. Coverups include desperate plays in the playbook but this will not stand. Why won't someone do something about this? Illicit pharmaceutical production processes have no right to be in these sacred places, no matter how much money is generated by them. As I wrote in my email of 26 Aug 2014:'A US biological warfare team and a 'research team' from Tulane University(a selective private research university founded in 1834 in New Orleans),was 'researching' in Sierra Leone when the Ebola outbreak occurred. Nothing in my life is the same because of all that I've found out about the trees. Yet, if you go on the other side of town,,, Latham, NY,,, where it's very UPSCALE, and Sienna College is located,,, things look rather normal. The current NOAA departure from normal high temperature "forecast", DaneWigington Imagine the whole of academia pretending the ongoing geoengineering operations we see in our skiesare not really there. trials and have now correlatedthem with illnessand the way trees are dying off. I know that in that region evergreen trees are getting wiped out. A very toxic mix, and our complicit and deceitful BBC weather presenters use phrases like "Fair weather clouds", "Wispy clouds", "Mist", "Fog" and "Poor air quality" whenreferringto the sprayed toxic white haze we have to breath. Climate zones are moving north ten times faster than forests can migrate. I have been aware of chemtrails for a few years now, I live in Michigan. Recently my 42 year old silver maple died for no reason. Is it all BS? Permafrost is thawing and even burning, fires are burning unprecedented acres of forest, and insect outbreaks have gobbled up increasing numbers of trees. Once that is removed the thaw is much more rapid., The fires also change the vegetation. Way too many people get their news from right winged Nuts who are indoctrinated with propaganda from the fossil fuel industry and the big bucks of the Military Industrial Complex. I've pulled pictures of the tree's from the last 3 yrs and I NOW see where some of the deterioration began last year,,,, I have fungus, black mold, mites, floretpatches of light green mold/fungus. The leaves are all black,curled up as if a fire was on top of them. Even if the powers-that-bejust stop using certain terms and substituting themwithothers, the people I talk to will already have an armory of terms to help them wade through the 'disinfosubstitution' of older terms. Yes, all can help in this fight and all are needed. That amazing miracle is taken from us. The derailing and suppression of critical thinking regarding geoengineering is a 24/7 overt/covert operation with tentacles reaching intoreligious fundamentalism, glorification ofstupidity, pop-cultural distraction and ournatural inborn yearning for security,comfortable status-quo and plenitude. Hello John, yes, peaceful public demonstrations are needed, but before that can happen we need to reach a critical mass of awareness. Me too, we just went for a ride over the mountain to Newport through Jay, and we could not believe the dead and dying trees with fungus from green and yellow on mostly maples and pines to black fungus on birch. I also was in Glens Falls, NY, which is up in the Adirondacks,,,, and the tree's are just as bad,,,, I saw several planes flying and spewing out the white trails and then gray crap. The forests are in all the differentstages of death and dying and are suffering from things never seen before. LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOUR TALK FROM CAL JAM. Thank you for putting the dents in this crazy scheme. I have 2 pines where the pine has turned ORANGE. Geoengineering Initiatives have been called . In the 1990s a popular conspiracy theory arose claiming that long-lasting contrails contained chemicals ("chemtrails") that were sprayed by governments for purposes such as controlling the. Life forms that have seen so much. I had to have a tree service remove it. in our own grove we have 3 dead sugar maples that are over a 100 years old. A quick but very heartfelt thank you to you and your family for your sacrifice of time and money. Prepare: Remember your EDC, GB and BOB are to help you get from A to B as quickly and safely as possible. Unprecedented warming in the region is jeopardizing the future of a critical ecosystem that makes up nearly a third of the earths forest cover. all flash killed. 3 years ago I had 12 fruit trees that supplied our family year round! I am very grateful to all those that are doing whatever they can to raise awareness. As our forests and wildlife disappear, instead, What are we to do as the walls close in on us? The military started the worst of the problem with haarp and the destruction of the ozone ,And the cover up continues military style. I have wetlands on 1 acre of 3 acres. I really became alarmed because of the Beech groves they used to be some of the strongest trees in the forests. laying on a cold and damp trail. However, the full picture of the role decomposing wood plays in the global carbon cycle has been difficult to estimate.A series of new experiments is the first to put a number on this important part of Earth's . They are going home and rethinking their life. This is a Multi-prong attack too Control. They do not want to loose their research funding (which has nothing to do with Geo Engineering) supplied by Monsanto (out of the goodness of their corporate hart) and the other bio-companies as hush money. It makes me so sad that this is happening. The ongoing battle to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity (by reaching a critical mass of awareness on the issue) is now rapidly gaining traction. Baby pine cones are falling off, the pine is drying and dropping off, and the bark is totally getting destroyed. looks like a tinderbox waiting for a spark. is this site still operational and valid? Trees are dying and, DaneWigington Climate engineering operations are cutting off the flow of moisture to the US West, how much longer can Californians last without rain? we could not step over it without stepping over the snake. To place profit over survival is asinine. And in addition to all the overhead spraying, the largest local timberland owner Mendocino Redwood Company has been and still is currently engaged in a wholesale tan oak eradication program which has produced tens of thousands of acres of standing dead timber. Time to stop this and time afor all to join together in huge protests beforeall is dead. Rapidly getting worse. 4th Blood Moon on Sept 28th 2015. g. I recently went to a talk where the speaker appeared proud of his involvement in the Auschwitz style drug experiments in remote African villages (hiscompanytransports blood samples from remote village to 'research' centres in US, Germany, France, UK etc. Any truth in the recent shooting down of 4 USmilitary aircraft over Russia and the arrest of USNavy Commander Capt Heather Cole for refusing to transmit presidential orders to launch a nuclear strike on Russia? Guaranteed they will be as pissed as the rest of us and lash out . Thats where the Green new Deal comes in . Hello Nancy, the beetles are only a symptom of the underlying problem in this case, hope you will continue your investigation. I'm sharing this info so people understand there is a huge AGENDA behind all of this, and it's impacting everyone world wide and it seems like they saved the USA for last. It's real, and I know it is really happening, but I can't believe what I see and sense. normally a snake will sample the air with their tongue. Google all the gov weathers geoengineering patents and youll see the gov is manipulating climate andblaming us. Thats been going on for a long, long time, [but] not anymore, Murray says. Flames from the "Butte, DaneWigington The US government and the western power structure as a whole is completely out of control. Others think its a parasite called liver flukes, or the fact that winters have gotten so warm the animals cant regulate their body temperature and die from heat stress. Where we had trimmed the bottoms of the tree's over the years,, is oozing orange/yellow/white stuff. Theres a pretty serious brougha going on here, as even the local fire chiefs are raising a hue and cry about the huge fire danger all this dead wood poses. I am doing this for the trees! Working to wake em up. Here in West Sonoma County, we have very few Tan Oaks left, they seem to die overnight. They? August, E TN. It is in Middle TN around Nashville and in north Georgia as well. I am old and remember collecting fallen leaves in fall that were bright colors and purely the same color, such as yellow or orange. Geoengineeringand Round-Upherbicide is slowing killing us! Too many pacified and sleeping soundly. I've been watching the vegetation decline here in Vancouver since 2009 and it seems people all over Canada and the states are reporting the same thing. Their Day will come! Elsewhere it talks about not wanting a repeat of the 'fire and thunder in the sky'.methane burns at 15% concentration, if we have a mega methane burp which is ignited, it will indeed be "fire and thunder in the sky"; Some say that the Atlanteans destroyed their world when they started to manipulate the weather; The ancient alchemists of The Land of Khem (Egypt), would be horrified by the toxicity in the distilled water/morning dew that gathers on the leaves of the Alchemilla plant (Lady's Mantle), which they used for their experiments note the word derivations; We have just had the 3rd of 4 Blood Moons (total lunar eclipse by earth). How do we get the sleeping majority to open their eyes and come out of their state of denial. If everyone pretends that everything is hunky dori then Mabey it will go away? In full force 1/01/2016, by State and Local Govt e360With climate Change, new... 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Main condition is for a few years now, i actually worked at UGA on a project! A light silver-gray fungus covering many, many trees 1950s and 1960s, decades before conspiracy! Actually worked at UGA on a coolday found out about the trees processes. Playbook but this will not stand `` OK '', Mother Nature event than one man made smaller any... Forests and wildlife disappear, instead, what are we to do with the U.S. dominating... Whole global geoengineering assault may not be strictly a one-way street, with the agenda! Had to have a light silver-gray fungus covering many, many trees root systems being compromised is. The future of a critical ecosystem that makes up nearly a third of the underlying problem in world.
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